I boarded a vessel and ventured out
on the sea,
but I did not find me.
I swam in the waters, gurgling the salty sea,
but I did not find me.
I fed the fishes while catching a few, baking in the sun on the crests of sea,
but I did not find me.
I returned to land, walking and hiking for free,
but I did not find me.
I talked to the trees and the birds they held singing sweetly, walking and hiking for free,
but I did not find me.
I ran with the wolves and howled at the moon, walking and hiking for free,
but I did not find me.
I took to the skies in a pressurized cabin, soaring with glee,
but I did not find me.
I floated through clouds, cast in wondrous hues, soaring with glee,
but I did not find me.
Navigating turbulence, hands upon the yoke, I steer, soaring on fumes of glee,
but I did not find me.
I drove myself home, Sunday driving the trip there, savoring the moment to be,
but I did not find me.
Into the drive, open the door, hugs to welcome back, surrounded in good company,
but I did not find me.
Later that night, in bed I prayed, thoughts, and words I wrestled, for all I had to see,
but why did I not find me?
Like call and response, more thoughts did come, but I, exhausted, did eventually succumb, to slumber,
and in my dreams I saw a number,
of pen and paper embraced in dance and the words did prance,
and entranced I was in this romance.
Then, I awoke.
Into the shower and the answer was spoke!
You were on the sea, on land, and in the air,
your love, your heart, and passion
are everywhere.
Your soul is in adventure, experiences, and writing.
The Universe, God and Goddess have sent you signals inviting
you to return to yourself and embracing your power,
now that you realize there is no need to glower.
Celebrate yourself, love and wholly dive into you,
sparking a radical revolution of compassion to ensue.
When we love ourselves and have care to imbue,
we spread our love to others, so that they feel love, too.
In love with myself and humanity,
I found me. 💓
Visual representation of story on @tolbert_on_medium Instagram