Bed was not always serene…
Lying in bed where I lay nestled
in a flannel cocoon of body heat
and warm sheets underneath a down comforter.
Bed was not always serene…
Wondering if the womb
felt this comfortable and this secure?
Then, I remember the video in high school about
The Miracle of Life
and how the vagina, the cervix, and the uterus
are hostile towards elements and objects
that do not belong.
Given current fuckery in the government
surrounding reproductive organs I wonder why
Goddess, God, and Universe
could not have constructed the vagina like a
dungeon trapdoor.
That way anything unwelcome, unwanted, and
uninvited could receive a cold cocked KO
like a blow from Thor’s hammer.
…bodily autonomy has never been considered impolite discussion
nor the business of the individual subject to governing.
Similar to Jafar in Aladdin showing how “snake-like he can be”
how many of us want to rise to the challenge to show
“how hostile a space our sex organs can be”?