Academia is riddled with verbal hurdles.
The tongue tripping on
politeness politics
making linguistic leaps
to bypass topics that make
administrators uncomfortable.
At the end of the day,
the underlings
find their mouths full of marbles
because they are programmed
with glitches
to bug out
when difficult conversation landmines
open a crevice in the discussion
rendering chokes, gasps, and
the expected outcome
of someone losing their marbles.
the one who loses their marbles
is made an example
of how important
decorum, perfectionism,
and putting one’s nose
to the marbled grindstone
is best and the only way
because then you do not
have time
to lose your marbles
let alone open your mouth
to question
and unleash your marbles
upon the floors of the
Ivory Tower
to trip up the residents
and bring them tumbling down.
Visual representation of story on @tolbert_on_medium Instagram