Mothers and Daughters Facing the Elements

*Earth and Fire

1 min readMar 31, 2021

Third in the Earth Series

Long ago, it was written as a cautionary tale

to Mothers of Earth and Daughters of Fire

to heed the elements of their celestial signs

for Mothers of Earth to raise their Daughters of Fire

would require the practical Mother of Earth to avoid snuffing

the passions of her Daughter of Fire.

For Mothers of Earth have the power to give rise to the

fires in their daughters or to put the flames out.

Daughters of Fire have the power to renew

ideas and thoughts in their mothers or incinerate them.

Mothers of Earth need to give their Daughters of Fire space

to harness their creative energies and Daughters of Fire

need to warm to the order and logic of their Mothers of Earth.

Humans can then maintain their passions while being grounded.

A volcano erupts with sparks as lava slides down its sides. A starry night sky is the backdrop.
Photo by Clive Kim from Pexels

*Zodiac Signs and Elements Key

Earth signs = Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Fire signs = Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Visual representation of story on @tolbert_on_medium Instagram




Librarian and Information Specialist by day. Queer writer of poetry, sensuality, personal experience, and health by night. Instagram @tolbert_on_medium #BLM✊🏿