Slake My Sex

1 min readOct 16, 2020



Slake my pussy’s thirst

Caterwaul the cat’s meow

Pump the milk bowl full

Sex me like wow.


Mound my nipples up

Plump my melons whole

Motorboat and jiggle tits

More stimulus to dole.


Clutch my ass like pillows

Squeeze and stroke, caress

Pink them up with spanking

Still there’s more to address.


Feather my back with kisses

Scratch and rub it, too

Nibble my neck with those luscious lips

My insides all a goo.


Slake my pussy’s thirst

Caterwaul the cat’s meow

Pump the milk bowl full

Sex me like wow.

Profile of a standing woman in the nude, cupping her boob and covering the nipple. The woman’s face is turned away.
Image by Diego Echeverry from Pixabay

Note: inspiration for this poem came from Bim Adewunmi’s use of “slake” in an episode of their podcast, Thirst Aid Kit with Nichole Perkins. “Slake” is an underused word, whereas “quench” seems to be used quite a bit. When Bim used this I knew it needed to be written into a future poem. Additional inspiration came from Cardi B. and Megan Thee Stallion’s song, “WAP.”

Visual representation of story on @tolbert_on_medium Instagram.




Written by Tolbert

Librarian and Information Specialist by day. Queer writer of poetry, sensuality, personal experience, and health by night. Instagram @tolbert_on_medium #BLM✊🏿

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