She crosses her legs
and pulls up her long hair
covers the unsightly
with makeup or repression
She never talks back
and always speaks
when spoken to
She acknowledges and simplifies
all that she hears and speaks
At dinner and in service,
she is polite and kind
always asking Please…
and saying Thank You…
and replying You’re Welcome
If asked that she need this or that
she says either Yes, please…or
No Thank You…
No elbows on the table, only forearm
pick up glasses to drink and
don’t clang silverware when eating
Make bites small, dab/not smear with
a napkin
sip/don’t slurp drink-never
chew up ice cubes
Fork on the left, knife on the right;
sharp edge to plate, spoon next door
cut your meats — never use fingers
use hands only for bread
or touching the bone
She never discloses personal
information and is
never in open discussion
She knows of no dirty jokes
and may only giver her
date a peck on the cheek
She must be
She is innocent
and sheltered
knows nothing of vulgar
She does not entertain
or suggest
She wears dresses
and attends church
she doesn’t move out
until married
She is mundane,
uncharacteristic, unrealistic,
and repressed.
I am not her
and I could never.